where dreams find their way

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this different from other accelerators or DAOs?

Onchain Dreamers is not an accelerator, however, here’s how it’s different from other DAOs:

  • Tight-Knit Group: Instead of being totally open, you have to apply and meet certain criteria to join our community. This helps keep things focused.
  • Community Powered: We're all about builders supporting builders. Members mentor each other, share feedback, make connections.
  • Anything Goes: Whether you're building apps, creating art, or just spreading onchain knowledge, all kinds of onchain projects are welcome here.
  • Real-Life Meetups: In addition to our digital community, we plan to host in-person events and demo days where you can show off your work.
  • Here for the Dreaming: We're not looking to make profits or invest. This DAO just wants to help ambitious people make their onchain dreams a reality through collaboration.

Is this affiliated with Coinbase or Base? What's the relationship?

Onchain Dreamers isn't officially tied to Coinbase or Base. But we're aligned with Base's mission of making it easy to bring everyday people onchain.We want to empower dreamers creating novel and fun apps to make it easy for everyday people to come onchain. So you could say we're like Base's hype crew - a complementary and independent community focused on cultivating the talent and projects that'll drive mainstream adoption on Base's infrastructure.

Is Onchain Dreamers an incubator?

Onchain Dreamers is a DAO, rather than an incubator. We're all about supporting our members and helping their projects succeed by working together as a community. If you want a supportive place to grow your project and meet people who share your goals, Onchain Dreamers might be just what you're looking for.

Are there any events, workshops, or meetups organized by Onchain Dreamers?

Yes, we have plans for online events and AMAs in the first few months. We're also hoping to put together an in-person meetup within the first year of getting this community off the ground.

How can I connect with other members of the Onchain Dreamers community?

The Onchain Dreamers community lives on Warpcast. If you vibe with someone and want to talk more, just shoot them a DM. That way, you can connect one-on-one without cluttering up the main chats.

What kind of projects or initiatives does Onchain Dreamers focus on?

At Onchain Dreamers, we support all kinds of cool projects that are doing new and exciting things onchain. We're here to help people with big ideas bring them to life. Nothing is off limit!

How can I get involved and contribute to the Onchain Dreamers community?

Once you're in the community, start chatting with other members. Share your thoughts and ideas, and don't be shy about showing off what you know.

If you're an expert in something, think about mentoring others or leading some talks. It's a great way to help the community while sharpening your own skills. If you have a cool project idea, share it during one of our demo days. You might get some helpful feedback or even find a partner or investor.

Make sure to support your fellow dreamers too. Give them constructive feedback, collaborate on projects, and invite other awesome people to join us. If you have technical skills, look for ways to contribute to any open-source stuff other members are working on.

And if you have ideas on how we can make this community even better, let us know! We're always looking for ways to improve.

The more you put into this group, the more you'll get out of it.

Is there a cost or membership fee associated with joining Onchain Dreamers?

No, joining our community is totally free! There's no membership fee or any other costs.

The only thing is, our community is hosted on Warpcast. If you're not on there yet, they usually charge a small one-time fee of $5 to join. But don't worry about that - we've got you covered. We'll send you a special invite so you can skip the fee and join for free.

Who can join Onchain Dreamers? Are there any specific requirements or criteria?

You can apply to join Onchain Dreamers if you fall under the categories below:

  • Builder - you like creating things from scratch. You’re building to help people get onchain and stay onchain. You’re solving real world problems with onchain solutions.
  • Artists or creator: You create art, music fashion or films and want to collaborate with other artists and builders on cool projects.
  • Content Creator - You like helping people get smarter about the world of web 3, so you create (written, video, podcast, etc.) content that provides value to others.
  • Ally - None of the above, but you’re passionate about supporting onchain builders and the broader ecosystem.